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Showing posts from August, 2012


bulek chai, ga kerasa yaa, tiba-tiba (lebay :p) udah menginjak tahun kedua di umur kepala dua, moga makin berkah usianya, makin bermanfaat sisa usianya, makin sayang dan disayang Allah :) HAPPY 22th BIRTHDAY MY BELOVED SISTA You are so inspiring and always be...  ''Semoga Allah selalu mendekatkan kita'' Allahumma Rabbitha taha... eh, bulek chai, kamu sadar ga sii, kamu tuh keren banget, aku doain supaya dapet orang yang keren juga,, hhe, aamiin. Awal kita kenal n ketemuan dulu kamu inget ga? seingetku kita mulai kenal pas kita sama-sama ikutan lomba, aku lupa di Bento apa Pasmer, yang pasti semenjak itu, dengan tipe kamu yang awalnya emang sksd #eh, kita jadi kenal satu sama lain. Ditambah lagi kita satu Sma, dan alhamdulillah sampe sekarang silaturahim kita masih terjaga. Makin kenal kamu, makin salut. Tipe orang yang down to earth banget, pendengar yang baik, dan plus nya lagi bukan hanya jadi pendengar yang baik, tapi kamu juga pemberi ...
I have trying to settle up,, and trying to keep on positive thinking.... Do the best and Let Allah do the rest.. silence is a gold, but why not being speaking if its lodly


Don't think too hard and over analyze things. Don't create a problem that doesn't exist. #viatumblr there's so many things that you have to think, open your mind, think out of the box. Suddenly touching by their togetherness. Seeking for the perfect thing is impossible, but you can treat what you have perfectly.  ---- I joined break fasting event with my classmate (Science One) in senior high school this afternoon.  Firstly I dicided to came without any confirm before. But factly I have to ask my friend where the place located,, hahha #sotoy.  Oke, I went there by riding motorcycle, after playing with the stack of data for my minithesis, I prepared my self, took a bath, praying, serving the clothe and then go to that place. I went just by my self. When I arrived, I met elisa, bano, and divo came out from D10. Then continued for met our friends together.  I did'nt give an information that shared in fb to some of my close friend because I thought t...