its been a long time not to see and visit my only one blog. Hai, Ka...semoga kaka di dalam sana makin kuat ya, tumbuh sehat sempurna dengan doa - doa ayah dan ibu kepada Allah buat kaka. Terlebih saat ini bulan Ramadhan, ka. Bulan dimana pintu - pintu rahmat di buka, bulan dimana segala kebaikan Allah lipat gandakan. Maka dari itu, ayah dan ibu tidak mau kelewatan mendoakan kebaikan demi kebaikan untuk kakak. May Allah bless you there :') Honestly, mom cals your dad also with "Kakak", but its so different meaning with "Kaka" that we put in you. But, I prefer to call you with Baby K, weather you are a boy or a girl then. :)) Oh ya my baby K, in this Holy month I wanna to tell you something about LOVE. Love is energy Love is protect Love is when each other take closer to our Creator Love is patient Love is appreciate And mom more and more in Love with your dad now Your dad so take care of me, because of your present in my womb He protect ...
it's my space to discover a new experience....